Post Found Art Workshop

Couple. We have fun and learn with art

We know that art can be found in anywhere, because almost everything around us is art and that is why very young / as we need to start appreciating our way.

The word comes from the Latin art “ars” what does it mean “have the ability to do something” and therefore, for art should be a creation that imitate or fantasize, and this can take advantage of with children / as, awaken the imagination of others and themselves creating imaginary things but when it is a creation made by them / and as communicated to us something.

Per se, Art is like a game we do with colors and shapes and all you want to do was surprised 'ns and sometimes, even, You can reach deceive selected, so that can make us believe that a piece of cloth in a landscape appears, an animal or other things that are not really. What is sought is to create surprise, confuse and while we enjoy this engañifa.

With art also express feelings because when we explain something that happened we describe the whole scene and this situation relive the feelings we experience the moment and they hear they get fully into the situation and come to feel the feeling that at that time we.

With this project we think that art is a good way to learn to read images at a time in which most of the information we receive is through TV, video games or advertising.

Arts education will make the mind more open and more creative in order to find different solutions to the same problem, but mostly, our intention with this project is to enjoy the beautiful things that gives us well as a sunset, a field full of flowers and everything around us!

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